We saw these stickers posted all over China from north to south and in the most random of locations. "I love TUL". And we all noticed them though none of us really mentioned it and I formed my own perception of what it must be, figuring it was a band or the initials of some dreamy Chinese actor. Until one night laying in four small beds one of us glanced at the ceiling and there it was for the 100th time, "I love TUL" and I forget who, but one of us finally wondered out loud at what it could mean and a new member to our group answered quick and direct:
I love the unemployed life.
A light was shed on the mystery of the stickers and we smiled, all relating fully to this new meaning. And today in a kitchen I counted the months and I've realized I haven't held any sort of regular job since September and I do love this life. And sure I worked my ass of through college to make money that I blew as quick as it came on travels only to save again and I will be right back in that situation come fall time. But for now I work slowly through the money I've got while relying on the odd jobs I find while avoiding routine and lets see how long I can keep this up.
And since I was last employed I have filled the open days with some serious explorations. The places I've encountered and the people I've met have been some of the most incredible of my life and I am beyond thankful for every second. Now a year has gone by since I've worked at the preschool, since I have had to do homework, since I maintained any sort of routine. So because my blog needs more pictures, and because I am thinking about it, I'll take a look over some of the glorious moments during this year of TUL in highlights.
thanksgiving came early |
TIMING. you can wait for a ride for days but the moment you leave for beers here comes a pick up. But now we've got beers and a ride. Que rico. |
camping on beaches. |
camping in desserts. |
"Lets see if we could get back by hopping on a train" |
crazy farm. and a slight routine. and I miss it. |
New years back from Mexico. Road trips to Idaho mountains and the people that make me laugh harder than anyone else on this planet. |
Funk faces and Spokane living rooms. |
Chinese mountains and the opportunity to be with such incredible women. |
Oh yeah. and NOW. I need to start taking more pictures to show this Greecy life of mine. |
I'm fully thankful to have this time. I realize this time in my life is fleeting and before I know it I will be back into a routine and that will feel good too. A time and place for it all. And while I sometimes feel useless and a little restless and like I should be working at something I remember that I am fortunate to have made this time for myself to learn new skills, to adventure and play so hard, to gather grass stains and new ideas from a constant influx of people. To live in the now and the new.
Although I did my full share of working and saving to get to this point, of selling all my possessions but a few, I know that without the money I recieved when my dad died I never could have made China happen and it would have taken a lot longer to reach Greece. I'm confident Papa Kaas would be in support of the way I am spending it.
And on that note, tomorrow is my dad's birthday. A huge and well known reason for why I am in Europe is to cross off three of the nine remaining goals on his list. Starting tomorrow, June 16th. There's a beach down the road with a small church, and I have visited so much, I have written about it at length, and tomorrow I'll go for a candle, a swim, a hike, a read, and I'll leave another of those little vessels full of ashes there and cross off another line.
More to come on that.
My current career:
Making music with Lo and Abbey on street corners. |
Aw Bekha I was just thinking of you it must have been in my dream. I am so glad you are doing this now, it is truly an impossibly amazing feeling that I miss right now as I am doing the saving routine and dreaming of what is next. Thank you for your words, we are lucky to have this time in our life to explore and travel, and it encourages me to hear you say "there's a time and a place for everything." It's so true, it keeps me going, your blog warms my heart :) ~Rachel Mogli's other mama