More moments of bliss coming at me, full force...
I've been putting a lot out into the wind lately. Living with less money than I have had in years, in paradise, Abbey and the sun everyday. I put intentions out there for what I hope to gain, learn, experience, and the world is returning them in more obvious ways than ever before. For as long as I've been away from any sort of home, living in continual motion aided by the wanderlust, and even during the time I was with a home, house, routine... every person and experience has had an impact, a new lesson, idea, belief to agree or disagree with. A new skill to teach. I can't help but smile that smile of thanks for the small bag of tools that I keep in my back pocket, which is now expanding without warning. I love it.
"Bag of tools" is an expression from my bass teacher, which he would use whenever I was struggling with a piece, school, or simply living where I was. He would remind that even when I have nothing else, I have a bag of tools, and that it is chock full of everything I need and expands daily through interactions with the world/people/animals around me. I have the resources already in place, but to recognize them, use them and always try for the expansion of them, is the hard part. Then to open up the bag, share it, realize how to be a learner and teacher simultaneously every day no matter the interactions, is the goal.
Lately, for me, it has been more learning than teaching, at least in the bits I am recognizing. I am accomplishing the goals I set myself on this year, (although the list is now moving slower than expected - but if nothing else, I have time). But in regards to my other aspirations, good location and timing with the people I encounter has been more than ever so APPARENT in bringing me to where I want to be, and I am beyond thankful for that. Letting intentions take to the wind like a kite, and seeing the ways in which they return. Yesterday I went on my first open water scuba dive, the first step to the first goal I set for myself this year, in Bellingham, new years day, written on some random corner of an already filled in journal page. Partnered with incredible teachers, 16 meters deep in the Ionian sea, I eventually felt beyond content within it.
My eyes opened wide so as not to miss a moment.
A window into a world I have many times attempted to imagine.
Weightlessness with the sun coming in lines through blue water, coral, rock, with the fish, sand, and all that strange underwater life.
A new feeling, and a wonderful one; I so badly hope to explore this other world on as many occasions as I can manage. I am feeling amazingly fortunate. Adding it to the bag of tools, along with spinning poi, fixing bikes, the correct ways to dance with Albanians, and when an olive is ripe to pick. Not to mention the mental shifts and enlightening moments too many to count.
Filling up the bag. Slowly, but more importantly, steadily. Day by day, siga siga.